AKA Trade Finance Dialog 2016
Untied loan guarantee for commodity finance
55 guests from 22 German and European banks and banking associations accepted AKA’s invitation to take part in AKA’s Trade Finance Dialogue on 24 May 2016 to discuss the scope for using untied loan guarantees.
Co-organised by PricewaterhouseCoopers AG WPG (PwC), the event started off with a presentation outlining the main aspects of this instrument and the application process. In their capacity as representatives of the German Federal Government, PwC and Euler Hermes Aktiengesellschaft form a syndicate for granting untied loan guarantees on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany.
After the presentation, the guests were divided into smaller groups to discuss topics that had previously touched upon in the plenary sitting – corporate and pre-export finance for example – in two workshops. The current situation, the problems involved, possible solutions and potential obstacles were discussed with respect to each issue, with the participants documenting the results of their group on metaplan walls. After lunch, the results were presented by one participant from each group.
AKA’s Trade Finance Dialogue continues on from where the successful Open Space Dialogue left off last year. Once again, it served as a platform for all export and trade business specialists in Germany and the rest of Europe.
What is the Trade Finance Dialogue?
Introduced by AKA in 2016, the Trade Finance Dialogue continues on from where the successful Open Space Dialogue left off in 2015. It serves as a platform for all export and trade business specialists in Germany and the rest of Europe.
If you have any ideas and suggestions for future topics for the Trade Finance Dialogue, please feel free to contact us on dialog@akabank.de